Quarantine Visual Narrative.


This was one of my favorite projects from my Freshman year. The task was simple, take three words that best describe my college experience through the lens of Covid, and then use imagery to bolster those words. Apart from resulting in some interesting pieces of work, this project made me reflect on everything I had learned up to this point, and how to best bring all those elements together.


Life in quarantine was nothing short of boring to say the least. During class time I would find myself in the same routine over and over… and over. I would often find myself looking at the time more times than I would care to admit (hence the imagery of the clock). One of the hardest parts of having class online was making myself stick to a schedule so as to avoid work piling up over time. Thus my first word for this journey was “pace”, because step one of class in Covid times was keeping myself on track.


  • 1) Initial Photo

  • 2) Added Text

  • 3) Added Geometry


So, by step two I have already set my pace. I know I need to stay on track and work needs to be done. Of course, sometimes sitting down and doing work is easier said than done. This brings us to our second word: “focus”. I chose the image of an eye for the background because the unblinking eye is often correlated with someone who is locked into whatever they may be doing. No outside distraction could possibly keep them from accomplishing their goal, and that was the mindset I had to bring myself into to keep myself on track.


  • 1) Initial Photo

  • 2) Added Geometry

  • 3) Added Text


For the final piece of this project, I thought it would only be appropriate to have the final word be what I had been building to the entire time. That word of course being “work”. By this point, the pace had been set, distractions would not hinder my focus, and I could finally sit down at my computer and do whatever needed to be done. It made sense for the imagery of this piece to be a keyboard, considering all my work is done on a computer.


  • 1) Initial Photo

  • 2) Added Text

  • 3) Added Geometry

I think the best part of this project was the retrospection it required. Even just coming up with three words to best describe my experience of school through the lens of Covid required a real honesty hour with myself. I was more than happy to highlight my flaws in this project, and I think that’s what makes it so special- everything was put on the table for this one. I wasn’t trying to present an idealistic filtered version of myself, I was just being honest.


Animation: Basic Movements


Typographic Poster Series