
The Jump.

Perhaps the most simple movement on this page is the jump. I had to get my character from Point A to B without taking a step. Going frame by frame in Maya, I was able to accomplish this and create a smooth motion that feels organic.

The Lift.

For the next movement, I’m introducing some geometry. Now not only is the character moving, but lifting a heavy object. I had to figure out how to convey the sense of struggle one would feel while trying to lift a heavy object through body language, considering the character didn’t have facial features to work with.

Walk and Sit.

For this one, I wanted to introduce two movements: a simple walk, followed by a step back and sit down. I also had the opportunity to use a rig with facial features here, so I was able to add some emotion in the face and eyes. I was able to apply all the information I had learned from my previous two movements to make this as smooth as possible.


1:36- A Short Story


Quarantine Visual Narrative